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    The power of group buying – Secret behind the success of daily deal websites


    Number of posts : 2
    Registration date : 2011-07-25

    The power of group buying – Secret behind the success of daily deal websites Empty The power of group buying – Secret behind the success of daily deal websites

    Post  Jordaan Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:56 am

    Daily deal or group buying is a highly acclaimed business concept, characterized by the group buying power of the customers. This new concept has been wildly successful all over the world. pioneered the daily deal business through its group buying website. Launched in 2008, has grown from small company to a multi-billion dollar business empire with thousands of employees worldwide, within a very short time span.

    Since its inception, Groupon has had a tremendous growth until now. They have now extended their services to over 200 markets globally, and have about 35 million registered users to their credit. Isn’t that a really great achievement? and other similar daily deal websites offer profitable deals on various products and services, through emails which are send to the subscribers every day. Many companies have started imitating the success plan of, and have started looking for groupon clone website development packages and top-notch Group clone software products.

    With a lot of unique features, Groupon clone website packages are now accepted as the best website pattern for a successful daily deal site. Groupon clone website development packages from leading web development companies have readily available features which can be properly customized to reduce the burden of customers and entrepreneurs, making daily deal business, easier, simple and effective.

      Current date/time is Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:41 pm